Insitný maliar - Naive artist

Výtvarné spektrum 2010, Martin

18.04.2010 22:05

    Okresná súťažná prehliadka neprofesionálnej výtvarnej tvorby Výtvarné spektrum 2010 sa uskutoční v dňoch 31.3.2010 - 20.4.2010 v priestoroch Turčianskej knižnice v Martine. Na výstave nájdete aj tri obrazy Mira Vladára.



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Agora Gallery
Contemporary art gallery established 1984, located at the center of the New York Chelsea fine art galleries district. Art consulting services are provided to corporate and private art collectors. Collective exhibitions feature diverse contemporary art of various genres including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography and mixed media. Artist portfolios are reviewed.